"No one claims the title of punk, I wonder if anyone ever did. The media called us that, they built up an image of one-minded automatons, bred on violence to all. I remember reading an interview, before the rise of the punk movement, an interview with the Dictators, a hard rock group from New York. They were vehemently anti-gay. This disgusted me then and it does now. It represents a return to imbecility, to censorship. The new right. I am a member of the new right and I want you dead. I hate your guts. I hate the fact that you will all probably go home and put on your Eagles or Grateful Dead albums, so you can remember what real music sounds like. I'd like to break every single album by those and any other band which promotes mainstream bullshit, whose prime occupation is boredom of an unaware sort. I'm bored, but I know why. It's because of people like you."
typewritten journal, 1977-78
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