Friday, July 9, 2010

and speaking of Multiple Male Orgasms!

the link on Amazon for my name as a contributor to Gay City vol. 3, Re-Pulped, takes one to a list that includes the title Multiple Male Orgasms. Would that it be me!

Or that I would be as clever as that to have grown for self-portraits in 1978 with a Polaroid One-Step to having an M.A. in Psychology and having had orgasms with multiple men. Oh, wait, I did do that, didn't I?

Well, I weren't so clever as to have written a book about it, and I can't brag that my bisexuality in mind has led me to a fourth edition Updated for Women!

But there's some Lurid Images! Sensational Characters! and Scandalous Storylines! to be had in Vol. 3 but nothing to tell my nieces and nephews to stay away from.

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