you can't trust redheads.
You can't trust redheads.
red dreams red scream
red scare red cigarettes
red information red pants
red ties red, white and blue, I love you
red scars on my hands, red hair on my hands/head.
red cot/red costs
red well red shoes red shirt red pants red socks red lips to intice you with
red im ge
sympathizing with the commies, they're up against an american wall
red, white and blue bunting.
On my calendar, red signifies a new week, starting out once again on the same old routine
not enjoying life all that much.
Someone asked me if the reason that I changed so much was because I wasn't content with my looks but I answered that on the contrary, I am satisfied enough to be able to change.
I owe three thousand dollars to the school.
I owe a month's back rent.
I owe fifty dollars a moth for my red Mercedes.
If I wasn't in the red already, I would something to become so.
Red Painting No. 5

a typewritten sheet from early 1978--Red Painting No. 5 is the painting destroyed at the SF Art Institute New Wave Show mentioned in another entry. Some nights I typed my journal entries, thinking the speed of the typewriter helped me think, captured better the thoughts rushing fast through my brain. The clack of the keys echoing the emerging electro-punk/post punk of the Screamers and the French punk band Metal Urbain. I write of wanting a rhythm machine, a percussion box. Screamers drummer K.K. played a drum set and ran a rhythm machine, kicking me fast in the face. Sound was the new visual art.
"If I wasn't in the red already, I would buy something to become so," and how true that is.
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