Saturday, February 26, 2011

Two Characters--September 1978

Those are my two characters--
one has emotions, the other writes them down.
No need to guess which is the external character.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Reviewing my work in August 1978

I look at my photos and think, well, what is the point? Where would I even take them, why should I want to take them out of their cheap snapshot reality? Why belabor such a point? And why go on … with school, art trendies, etc.
My desire to take pictures--usually there is no “photograph” I want want to shoot, just want to participate in the act. The setting up, the posing for the time.

When trying to make the poster for Judy, I was thinking, “Well this fits in with the current style of mine, and this will be viewed as....” Real asshole art stuff.

Repeating old excesses by shooting Instamatics so far. Not that I ever started out w/ preconceived ideas but still sitting and grimacing isn’t doing it.

Have done some other photos, pseudo outside (billboard), Marine emblem stuff. Just no movement things as usual. Cleaned up room a little, rearranged posters and billboards, thought of the bag of 45s as an art piece, little brown baby pinned to it. A punk environment. No one else, outside of 4 or 5 people, has tried the setting up in a gallery a normal room. Mostly it has been as an effort to breakdown what is and isn’t art/life. Taking that for granted nowadays and presenting life as we know it. Theatre.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pretending to be an artist

Art pose, Art prose. ↓ BAD WRITING ↓
Pretending to be an artist.
Feigning a background.
Imitating your heroes.
Calling attention to a fluke/a stroke of good luck, not genius.
Wanting to be in w. the art crowd.
The thrill egoism of being able to say "I went to school with _____."

Communication breakdown - an idea from 1970.
those words aren't used. The punks aren't attempting to define a generation gap. They are acknowledging that there is one, --- "Your Generation," "Youth, Youth, Youth," "Wild Youth." I guess that indicates some form of definition, some statement of place in society.
Offer no alternatives, state the conflict.
I want to be in a group.
I want to join.
I want to feel a part of something.
I want to be rebellious within reason, so as to be still acceptable to society.